Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Louisburg Square

Louisburg Square was created in the 1840's in the Beacon Hill district of Boston as a model for development in the area. The space consists of multiple brick row houses which face a grassy park in the middle. The over all feeling of the space is very reserved and private. It is very apparent that the space is to be only used by the residents surrounding it. The park is seperated from the rest of the area by a iron fence that surrounds the perimeter. The space is defined by several streets; Louisburg Sq on the east and west sides, Pickney Street to the north, and Mt. Vernon St. to the south. Willow Street intersects the space at the south western corner of the site. Both Pickney and Mt. Vernon streets run down hill to Charles St, which in the past, ran along the banks of the charles river. 

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